Martes, Enero 24, 2012

Gas Flare

A gas flare, located at jubail industrial area   the flare system helps burn out the total reserve gas.
On oil production rigs, in refineries and chemical plants, its primary purpose is to act as a safety device to protect vessels or pipes from over-pressuring due to unplanned upsets. Pressure control valves are set at predetermined pressures to release excess gas, thus allowing continued operation during upset conditions. Whenever plant equipment items are over-pressured, the pressure relief valves on the equipment automatically release gases (and sometimes liquids as well) which are routed through piping runs called flare headers to the flare stacks. The gases and/or liquids are separated in a flare knock out drum with the gas piped to the flare stacks for burning or for lighter gases venting. The size and brightness of the resulting flame depends upon how much flammable material was released. Typically there may be more than one flare system handling high pressure gas, low pressure gas, sour or corrosive gas, cold gas and wet gas.